Monday, December 16, 2013

12 Days of Blogging: Twas the Night Before Surgery

Twas the night before surgery and on the back of my foot
a pesky little bone spur had take root.

Tomorrow I am having a bone spur removed and a tendon reconfigured in a surgical procedure. I have daily pain in my foot from an injury that changes my gait, triggering the very painful arthritis in my back. The more my foot hurts, the more my back hurts. And since all the other therapies haven't stabilized the condition, the darn thing is coming out.

The actual procedure is a fairly routine, out patient venture (though it feels pretty significant to me right about now!). It's the recovery that looms large. For the next two weeks I need to elevate my foot above my heart 23 of 24 hours a day in an effort to reduce swelling and aide healing. My foot will be immobilized in a boot and I will not be allowed to put any weight on it for six weeks. Forced rest and relaxation wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the promise of that significant pain and boredom.

Tonight though I'm focusing on the many blessings I've come to realize about my situation. Yes, there are a few things I've learned as a frequent patient with chronic pain in the health care system these last eighteen months.

The first blessing is the support of my family and friends. I have a wonderful partner in my husband who takes very good care of me. I have family and friends that are coming to appointments, watching the boys, bringing meals, running errands, keeping company, sending prayers and even wrapping presents if needed. I have compassionate children who want mommy to feel better, which keeps me grounded and focused on recovering well.

 The second blessing is that I have a job that provides health insurance and benefits that allows for quality medical care for my family with providers of our choosing that will not bankrupt our household. I have some sick days that will combine with my scheduled holiday break to give me almost three weeks of rest and healing, without worrying if my job will be waiting for me.  We have not had to make the choice between our health and our home, job or other necessities.

The third blessing is how I have learned to advocate for myself as person with chronic pain. I knew to do it for my kids as instinct, but when it came to my own needs, I had to learn to ask for, and sometimes even demand, what I need to live a quality life. Rather than relying on pain medications, I perused exercise, meditation, massage, and other lifestyle changes to keep me healthy.

So send some more positive thoughts, blessings and prayers my way over the next couple of weeks. I'll be filling a little bit of that time with my seasonal blogging adventures of course, but I do believe that every positive effort will help!

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