Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bananas in Arrack (Sri Lanka)

Today, the last day of March, was cutting it close to make the recipe of the month, Banana in Arrack, from my recipes around the world calendar. I had been planning all month to make this dish. I had the simple ingredients, bananas, brandy, brown sugar, spices, but never quite the right time or temperament to make the dish. In fact, I was going to make a totally different dessert for today for a totally different dinner. But sometimes life doesn't go as planned.

Sometimes you hurt your back...badly.
Sometimes a dear family member is in the hospital.
Sometimes your run out of cream or tartar and the store is closed.
Sometimes your kid needs time and assistance to ease his way.
Sometimes the text for your spouse to bring home pizza for dinner doesn't get received.
Sometimes you forget that your kid has homework due tomorrow.
Sometimes  a stomach virus the airport.
Sometimes work piles on the desk and floor and table and computer.
Sometimes you still have one more email left to send.
Sometimes you are one visit short to the gym to get your $20 discount.
Sometimes you fall asleep only to wake an hour later with the world on your shoulders

And sometimes the Easter Bunny brings the cousins matching pajamas.
And sometimes you find a ham the night before Easter.
And sometimes you hear a story that warms the heart.
And sometimes you get a heartfelt apology.
And sometimes you go to the spa.
And sometimes your kids make you laugh until tears run.
And sometimes you can't put down that amazingly trashy novel.
And sometimes you walk for an extra ten minutes on the track.
And sometimes you just need a hot bath.
And sometimes you realize you have all the ingredients for something sweet, bananas that you light on fire, which warms a place inside you as you eat it at the table with some of the most important people in your life.

And it is good.

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