Sunday, August 19, 2012

Inspired Continuations: Ambesha (Ethiopia)

Last week I met a dear friend of mine for dinner in the suburban neighborhood where I spent my teen years. We became acquainted when we were sixteen years old and are now pushing almost two decades of friendship. To meet back where we spent so many hours building the foundation of a lifelong friendship was fun, if surreal in that way in which memory superimposes itself on streets that aren't quite as wide and trees that are much taller than remembered. Over Pad Thai and Lo Mein, we didn't so much reminisce as we did consider how we got from one place to another.

I considered the question of what would have happened if I had stayed in the old neighborhood instead of moving to first another suburb, then another city in another state, before making my way to the home I love now? What would a safe life have been like versus this one where I have leaped forward so many times to land with the two most beautiful children in my arms forever?

And that is what it comes down to for me. If my life hadn't twisted or turned the way it did, would I be writing this blog with Optimus Prime at my elbow, crayons at my feet, or legos on counter display as my boys take their afternoon rest in my kitchen full of light? It doesn't matter. Life twisted, I turned and here I am. One year after I started this blog, full of Ambesha from lunch, soon off to a play date with Thai pals, I continue to consider the blessings in my life, the lessons I can learn, the joys in small things, one recipe at a time.

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