Today was a gorgeous sunny Saturday that was spent in equal parts running the usual errands and soaking in the sun in the backyard with Frisbee, a million helicopter seeds, and a good book. We topped the night with grilled cheese burgers, and I made Glooay Booat Chee, bananas in coconut sauce, that we poured over chocolate chip ice cream. As Suki put it, "It's not yucky!"
As one boy came close to falling asleep in his coconut sauce and the other shoveled it down, we all settled down for the night feeling pretty full from our day. Our oldest was exhausted to the point of being unable to lift the bites of ice cream to his mouth. Our youngest felt a little too full, unfortunately, after overindulging in cheese burgers and bananas, and threw up all over his clean pajamas. He immediately felt better, and always a resilient one, marveled at the many facets of vomiting as I held his head over the toilet as a precautionary measure, as his brother used his last strength to turn a few pages of his comic book under the covers.
I think back to my post last weekend about the warnings in my life that I had overdone it on many fronts. This week I took some time to rest. I set some limits to my schedule for the foreseeable future. I took a little time off from work. I took a nap. I read a book. I worked to create a better balance for me and for my family.
My boys are still learning how to regulate the basics of life. How much do I eat? How much do I rest? But they are children, and they need guidence for not just the physical basics, but the emotional ones as well. I adjusted things in my life to be healthier on many levels, including how I model to my guys that sometimes a break, a run, a quiet space is necessary to restore the strength to meet the everyday challenges we face.
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