Monday, January 2, 2012

Sopa de Cebada (Colombia)

Tonight I'm writing with just hours left of my lovely winter break, having to return to work tomorrow morning. This was a nice vacation, spent at home and with family. I've made the most of the last couple of days by staying in out of the cold, in my comfiest pajamas, reading, spending time with my three favorite guys, and cooking, of course. Simple joys for the introverted soul!

And I am a true introvert in every sense of the word, something I do not apologize for, as it in the fiber of my being. For me this means I relax, and restore my energy, with inward pursuits rather than outward. My favorite place to be is home. My favorite activities are quiet ones, though no less creative. Reading, writing, cooking in my own space is not just nice, but necessary for my own sense of health and well-being. Two of my three guys tend toward introversion. The third most certainly does not. So we work to find a balance in our home, giving each other the space and attention we all need.

This is sometimes a challenge. My work as a teacher is most certainly an extroverted activity. While it is fulfilling and worthwhile, it does have a tendency to be draining as well. This break I had the opportunity to devote quite a bit of time to my writing projects, and this is my dream life. Someone pays me to write books and essays and maybe not this blog, but articles and novels and such.

So tonight's recipe reflected the simplicity of my day, and the dream on which I am working, with a little flash, as I made Sopa de Cebada, a barely soup. The ingredients were so basic. Meat, onion, veggies, but a little dash of vinegar brought it all together into a tasty, comforting soup. The kind of soup meant to be eaten with quiet conversation and laughter, in the heart of one's home, with family. The kind of soup meant to energize a person to pursue their dreams, or at least keep writing.

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