Every week I faithfully sit at the kitchen counter planning our meals for the week, then writing them in on the calendar. I make sure we have all the ingredients in the house, evening activities and meetings are taken into account and a recipe from Extending the Table is included. While I do most of the cooking, John usually takes a preassigned night and Thursdays are ALWAYS easy heat-up meals or leftovers. This keeps us sane and fed and open for time with the boys.
So today I couldn't understand why it had bothered me all day that I couldn't remember what was for dinner tonight. There were two items clearly on my cooking agenda, pumpkin cookies and rollos, a Bolivian cheese pastry. These are treats I am making for my SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) class that I take through work. Cooking for my family from ETT has been so fun, and now I get to share a festive dish with others on a cultural journey as well. I've been thinking about it all week. The problem is I forgot to plan a meal for tonight. That's why I couldn't remember.
When I walked in the house this afternoon I went straight to the calendar before I even took my coat off. No meal. No plan. A wide open evening. I set the boys up at the counter with Playdoh and cocoa, and we chatted away as I made the treats. Occasionally, I would poke around in the freezer or a cupboard for inspiration, but nothing took hold. Instead I focused on the rollos. And the Playdoh cookies, snakes and jewelry my boys proudly displayed.
This is a pastry that is made in anticipation of a journey, a travelling snack sold at bus stops. It makes for an easy meal with its flaky dough stuffed, then topped, with a cheesy mix. I am definitely on a journey. Sometimes I focus so much on the planning though, that I forget about the beauty of spontaneity that comes from the imaginations of my boys.
So tonight I forgot about dinner. John made it. And I enjoyed the ride.
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