Thursday, September 22, 2011

Colcannon (Ireland)

Right now we are a meat and potatoes kind of family. Back to school has been great for all the Steiners, but it has also hit us hard! The early mornings aren't so bad, but the evenings are painful. Twice this week one or both of the boys have been too tired to even eat dinner, so they've gone to bed and been asleep before 7:00. It makes for a nice long evening for mom and dad, but not much quality time with the boys.

So meal time has been about simple and comfort. Even as I write this, John is making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. But one night this week I was determined to cook up a recipe from Extending the Table. This week it was Colcannon, or creamy potatoes and cabbage. It seemed like a simple recipe, but I used several appliances, pots and pans, and utensils before it was all said and eaten. But I had a little Bon Jovi cranked up, the boys played downstairs, and I sang and danced through all the work. Pairing it with Polish sausage and baked corn pudding, I was reminded of the meals my mom cooked for us. Comforting and delicious, we managed to settle down for a meal where everyone was awake and talking about the day.

Most of the recipes in the book are very simple and easy to make, but the newness of some of them can be overwhelming when everyone is tired and dragging. So mashed potatoes, jazzed up Celtic-style was enough for this week, and maybe next...

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